
8 Mindful Eating Tips To Help You Eat Better

Mindful eating is the practice of being aware of all your senses in the present moment 8 Mindful Eating Tips To Help You Eat Better

Mindless Eating

Mindless eating means eating food without paying attention to what and how much is eaten.

Mindful Eating

Mindful Eating means being aware of your own body and food cravings. It's about paying full attention to what you are eat and drink. Eating mindfully is the practice of being aware of all your senses in the present moment. It helps us to develop a positive and a truly healthy relationship with the food.

Make peace with your mind and try these 8 simple mindful eating tips and get real results.

1. Keep a food journal

Food journal is a smart way to track of what you eat each day. You can document everything of what you plan to eat before eating it. This will put back you on track towards the goals you hope to fulfil and hence help you to look at your eating habits and making healthy changes. A regular practice of journaling can evoke mindfulness, increase self-awareness and nurture self-growth.

2. Practice Intuitive eating

Intuitive eating is all about trusting your own body when making decisions about food without feeling guilty. It's a non-diet approach that addresses the importance of rejecting the dieting mentality, respecting your body and helps you in coping with emotional eating.

- Eat when you are hungry.
- Stop eating when you’re feeling tired, sad or stressed.
- Eat things that make you feel good.
- Do not eat when you are full.
- Pay attention to what you are eating.
- Know your body’s personal hunger signals.

3. Move your body

It's not about going to the gym or going to the run every single day but it's about bringing small changes in your life. A walk, jog, dance or doing the simple household chores also counts.

Meditation : Meditation is the most effective way to jumpstart mindfulness. Practice meditation for the sense of ease in your life. It improves mental health and general well-being. It reduces stress, anxiety and depression, improves focus and concentration and increase empathy and compassion.

4. Develop healthy eating habits

Eating a small, healthy snack in between meals can prevent you from overeating. Snacking on fruits, granola bars or handful of almonds is a good way to fulfill daily nutritional requirements of the body.

5. Compose smart cheat meals

It's good to eat a cheat meal that is well balanced and higher in both calories and carbs than your normal meal. Rethink them as your weekly rewards. Just make sure to keep the record of your cheat meal and not go overboard. Everything in moderation always works. If you're eating healthy and exercising every day, indulge in a sugary treat from time to time but avoid nutrient poor foods that can ruin a week's worth of progress.

For example try our Dry-fruit custard recipe - you're going to love it! 😋

Mindful eating is the practice of being aware of all your senses in the present moment 8 Mindful Eating Tips To Help You Eat Better
Indulge in a sweet treat - dig in a bowl of vanilla dry fruit custard 

If you are always eating a low-carb diet and exercising most days of the week, you are likely to burn more calories than what your consuming, but after a point of time, your body will get used to this and you won't be able to burn as many calories. By incorporating a 'Cheat Day' to your diet, you can increase your calories-intake and burn more calories and reset your metabolism.

6. Change your eating habits

- Eat in a relaxed environment and focus on eating. Just eating.
- Eat very far away from your bedtime.
- Try eating clean through the day.
- Focus on the textures, flavors and savor every bite you take.
- Focus on how you feel - hungry, satisfied, relaxed
- Pay close attention to your food and and how it makes you feel.
- Chew : The way you eat has a large impact on how your digestive system works. Chew 20-25 times and break down your food properly into smaller digestible particles, that can easily pass through digestive tract. This will help to avoid bloating and other GI symptoms.
- Use small plates and serve yourself small portions : Reducing the amount of food you serve to yourself can make a significant difference to the amount of calories you consume. One easy way to reduce portion sizes is to use smaller plates. It’s a great way to delude yourself into eating less.
- Eliminate the distractions : Turn off the tv, turn off the computer, turn off the phone and eat your food peacefully in an electronic-free zone. Distraction while eating can lead to overeating and disrupt our digestion. Mindful eating is about savoring your food and eating slowly without distraction.
- Do not overeat : Do not overeat unless your hunger is genuine and strong enough. Limit how often you eat foods that are high in fat, salt, sugar or calories. When you eat mindfully, you will be able to recognize when you are starting to get full so you can stop before you overeat.

7. Do not starve the whole day

Don't go more than five hours during the day without eating. Eat at the regular intervals. Eat healthy, low fat snacks in between if you are going to go more than five hours of eating. Do not starve the whole day as this will only lead to binge. All you need to put is mindfulness, discipline, moderation and balance!

8. Express Gratitude

Acknowledge your food and appreciate everyone who gave their time and effort to prepare it. Think about where your food comes from and be thankful! This will help you control your hunger pangs!

Mindful eating is the practice of being aware of all your senses in the present moment 8 Mindful Eating Tips To Help You Eat Better

I hope you find this information useful! Do let me know in the comments below! I'd love to hear from you guys! Oh before I sign off, I want to thank you all to follow me on facebook, pinterest, twitter, google+ and instagram! 💓 Keep the love coming!

Happy weekend and stop by again as next few weeks are shaping up to be good with few posts in a pipeline!

Much love